Winging Cat Rescue is a proud participant in Shelter Animals Count, a collaborative initiative formed by a diverse group of stakeholders to create and share a national database of sheltered animal statistics, providing facts, and enabling insights that will save lives.
The following statistics for Winging Cat Rescue detail the number of animals who enter and leave our foster program in various ways. Below, please find the year-to-date numbers, along with historical data from previous years. A key for what each category means can be found below.
- Cats – Felines 6 months and older
- Kittens – Felines up to 5 months
- Owner surrender – An animal which is given up by its owner.
- Stray – Admitted through animal control/stated to be unowned or free-roaming.
- Return – An animal returned by their adopter.
- Transferred – Transferred out of the agency’s possession to another entity.
- Adoption – An animal that is placed permanently with a person for the purpose of being a companion.
- Died in Care – Animals who die while sheltered.
- Euthanized – Behavior – An animal that is aggressive or displays behaviors that make it unsafe to rehome.
- Euthanized – Medical – An animal that is diagnosed with a medical condition that is untreatable or would reduce quality of life to an inhumane level.
- Transferred – Animals that are sent to a rescue or shelter that will assure their placement.
- Saved Percentage Rate = Live Outcome/Total Outcome